XY3 3rd Gen Bluetooth Item Finder is Easy to Use

XY3 Bluetooth Item Finder When it comes to Bluetooth item finders, there are lot many choices such as Tile, that helps you to find your keys, wallets, phone and more. Today, we take a look at the third generation Bluetooth item finder called XY3 from the Findables Company. If you are also one of those

MYNT : Multi-Functional, Smart Tracker and Remote Control

MYNT : Smart Button & Tracker These days, Bluetooth trackers are in great demand owing to the convenience they offer. There are various devices coming up that help you locate your keys, bags, phones and other stuff. Today, we are talking about MYNT smart tracker and remote that does more than just finding your misplaced

Second Generation Tile – Bluetooth Tracker Review

About Second Generation Tile Tile is a tiny Bluetooth tracker that locates everyday items such as your phone, keys and wallet in seconds. It is a small Bluetooth gadget that you can attach to anything that you don’t want to lose. These items can be your house keys, wallet, a pet, phone, backpacks, luggage, cameras