What is Stress Testing?

Nowadays, testing is conducted to achieve and maintain the stability and quality of a product in the market. Today, we are talking about an important term that is used in software testing; “Stress Testing.” It is a type of testing that can be performed manually as well as automatically. It works together with load, performance

All You Want To Know About Code Coverage in Software Testing

Code Coverage is a white box testing methodology, used to describe the degree to which the source code of a program is tested by a particular test suite. Simply saying, code coverage is performed to check whether your tests are actually testing your code or not. With code coverage, one can tell how much of

Top 6 Powerful Penetration Testing Tools

Today, we are going to talk about useful penetration testing tools. To start with, we first need to understand what does “Penetration Testing” mean? [leaderad] Penetration Testing, also known as “pentesting” “pen testing”, or “security testing” is mainly used for attacking servers / networks / websites of an individual with an agreement for performing penetration

7 Amazing Responsive Web Design Testing Tools

In today’s digital world, it is essential for businesses to make their site responsive and ensure that the mobile view is at par quality with desktop view. Ignoring responsive web design could be a huge mistake for any brand as a bad mobile experience will result in losing your esteemed clients. Responsive design allows your

6 Open Source Automation Testing Tools for Mobile Applications

Automated testing tools help to save time and increase revenue by minimizing chances of errors in a software application. As in today’s mobile era, software applications are running everywhere on every platform and testing tools are essential. Open source automation testing tools help organizations to increase productivity while reducing errors and costs. [leaderad] Let’s check

8 Best Cross Browser Testing Tools

Cross Browser Testing involves testing a website on multiple browsers. It is considered as biggest pain of a software tester and is virtually impossible without correct resources. Thankfully, there are plenty of good cross browser testing tools that let you test the website and check if the website successfully displays across several browsers, platforms as

Top 6 Website Speed Testing Tools

Are you getting annoyed with slow speed of your site? Does it take too long to load? Are you looking for ways to improve your content size and webpage size? Do you want to actually test its speed and page load time? If yes, then you can easily enhance the performance of your site by

12 Useful Tips for Efficient Software Testing

To make any software reliable, software testing plays a vital role. It helps to reduce errors and bugs. It is the responsibility of a software tester to point out the errors and bugs in a software and deliver bug free software to the customers. [leaderad] Today, we are sharing important tips that help to make

Top 6 Performance Testing Tools

Performance Testing Tools help a developer to ensure that the website has a good performance. They are widely used to measure web application performance. The tools work to enhance the performance and quality of web and mobile applications. [leaderad] Below is the comprehensive list of performance testing tools that are easy to use and they

All You Want To Know About Exploratory Testing

Exploratory testing is an approach to software testing without any specific plans. It focuses more on how the software actually works by which tester gets an insight about the software functionality. This approach to software assessment integrates learning about the program with conducting the testing processes. [leaderad] Exploratory Testing emphasizes on personal responsibility of the